My Heroic Dose of Psilocybin

8 min readDec 7, 2020

Yesterday on Dec 5, 2020 I took 5 grams of Psilocybin at 5:35pm.

Prior to ingesting I made the following intentions:

⭐ Awakening

⭐ Re-baseline to channeling the highest

⭐ Light architectures


I am alone in my room in complete darkness laying on the bed.

The following is the log of my psychonautic experience.

Within minutes I was contemplating our perfection.

How does billion year old fungal intelligence catalyze this unveiling?

6:15 PM

I felt my brain, color space, and conceptual schemas loosening.

I began feeling a new emergence of creatively connecting unique dots.

This is best illustrated by the below brain connections graphic which Michael Pollan also used in How to Change Your Mind.

Visualization of brain connections in a person on psilocybin (right) and someone given a placebo (left)

Everything is relative to the observer’s experience.
This is why relationships are fundamental in mathematics.

The 3-space reality design with ‘time’ may be archetypal for conscious agents to explore infinity.

6:45 PM

A little over an hour in I felt how The Body Keeps the Score and how psilocybin works to awaken us to the areas that are tight that we must heal.

I was stretching, opening my body up, feeling fresh energy filling tight voids that were likely brewing pathologies from my lack of care.

Began feeling a sacred pulsating relationship with our gut.

Began feeling a sacred pulsating relationship with the truth of non-duality, expressing itself as illusory diversity.

Let go of concepts and just feel.

7:01 PM

“Diversity in Oneness is the mathematics of the infinite.”
— Sri Aurobindo & ‘The Mother’ Mirra Alfassa

Don’t think, just feel.

Giving birth is popping a soul into the world.

What is reality I ask you?

7:06 PM

About 90 mins in, my obsession for metaphysical truth kicked in and things became really interesting.

You think you know but you don’t.

Make sense of your reality.

Try to make sense of your reality.

Why do you exist?

7:16 PM

Dig back in your awareness
Dig back far enough in your awareness

What’s the truth?
What are you?

7:36 PM

There are so many layers
between the One Infinite Creator
and these realities
an endless network of relationships
phenomenology unfolding endlessly
profound insight after profound insight
happening moment to moment
one has to clear their lens of perception to see

“The childlike laughter of the infinite.”
— Sri Aurobindo & ‘The Mother’ Mirra Alfassa

7:46 PM

You are it.
Everything else is just a game, an expression, a play

We must visually describe the nature of reality

What is reality? What is it
What is reality? What is it

Leverage Indigenous Tribal noises of how language first started
Two hours in a new character was birthed.
More to come soon on TikTok & IG.

7:54 PM

“It’s a supra-rational enigma.”
— Sri Aurobindo & ‘The Mother’ Mirra Alfassa

My vision here in LA:
Capture people recalling what the nature of reality is

Melt IN.
These realities are an expression.

8:07 PM

Everything is subjective as fuck

Go in in in, inward inward inward
Everything else is subjective story

Take your breath
Take. Your. Breath.
Take your breath

Both end with a ‘TH
at the tip of the tongue
practice saying the words
feel the ‘TH’ right now

Slowly slide your hands one on top of the other
And focus on the breath
Reality is prana, life force
I am holding mudras and channeling prana

The trick is to capture the profundity of a heroic dose without altering it due to camera involvement

Then share it with the world to normalize all methods of awakening to enlighten civilization

How do you describe life?
It’s layered

Non-dual supra-rational enigma expressing itself as God

Go back and back and back
all that you find is your being
It’s perfect

9:00 PM

there are lines to not cross in the layered creation
the 10 Commandments and Noble Eightfold Path
are good examples of rules to follow
never disrupt the intimate union of two souls

It’s so layered
Describe it, try

It’s the same One Infinite Creator that will put their hands in their mouth, sitting next to another expression where they are obsessive compulsive cleanly
In the middle of a pandemic!
Nondual Creations

Just try going in
In what?


The layers to my soul
Just like Ye says

You have nothing to do, but be
The creative expression that you are

Show me what it’s like to taste a grape
Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Sacha Baron Cohen, Charlie Chaplin

We need to Portal people directly into Awakening Consciousness

Balance Looney Tunes and normal in the same person

Children are reality
Adults are corporate

10:40 PM

Non-duality misses the last layered piece
Which is the individual flowering through the non-duality as a unique expression of it

11:00 PM

Fairly close to end of trip
Psychonautics are very important

I published High Level Perception 5 weeks ago
And took my 5g Heroic Dose on December 5, 2020
Started at 5:35pm

No music the whole time
A couple drawings
Mostly notes on phone
Some voice recordings

11:42 PM

6+ hours in
Celebrating with hot shower cleanse
And with grapes and food (I’m 24+ hours fasted)
Grateful for infrastructure
Pumped to post all this tomorrow


First of all, I’m a big proponent of MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies:

We’ve interviewed their Founder & Executive Director Rick Doblin several times on the show:

I need to share information about them because they are carrying the biggest entheogenic torch enlightening our future that we all need to respect and support more both financially and in spirit.

MAPS was awarded Breakthrough Therapy Designation by the FDA for helping Veterans and other First Responders with MDMA Psychotherapy to cure PTSD, eliminating suicidal inclinations & helping them process and integrate fearful memories in peaceful ways.

Cannabis, Psilocybin, LSD, Ketamine, Ayahuasca, Ibogaine, and more are also being used by MAPS and their affiliates in Psychotherapy sessions across the world to cure everything from drug addictions, eating disorders, and OCD, all the way to couples therapy & having a peaceful end of life.

We must become advocates for transitioning from a criminal justice approach to a PUBLIC HEALTH approach in worldwide transgenerational healing and awakening to the true nature of our being.

Second of all, I was called intuitively to another entheogenic experience after several years without one.

I wanted to undergo it before the final publication of High Level Perception this week.

It’s important for me after such a long 2020 of synthesizing the most profound things I’ve learned about the nature of consciousness, reality, and maximizing human potential, to anchor my embodied learnings by loosening the default mode network (DMN) and ensuring my final publication is in the top perfection possible.

I learned for the most part, it is absolutely perfect.

I’ve been adamant about biomimicing the intelligence of mycorrhizal networks which create an underground two-way resource exchange with 95% of plants.

You can feel this intelligence pulsating throughout your body when you ingest psilocybin.

Chapter 5 in High Level Perception on Inclusive Stakeholding is not a recommendation, it’s an embedded biological archetype which is why the internet and decentralization technology have emerged the last couple decades. Everyone deserves skin in the game with a piece of equity in the history of our species.

As we leverage mechanism design in our social contracts that biomimic fungal intelligence, we meet the basic needs of people worldwide and maximize their self-realization & self-actualization.

We are publishing High Level Perception through Book Writing Hub, an independent book publisher outside of the archaic incumbent infrastructures that is more inclusive, modern, and respectful of their artists. It’ll be available for hard/soft cover and digital/audio across all major retailers/platforms before Christmas.

It’s a perfect gift for awakening and you support all my major long term goals by contributing. It comes from a deeply scientific and spiritual angle, using explain like I’m 5 (ELI5) visuals to make it more relatable, especially for kids and the whole family. Great book to have in your home and share as a gift to your closest friends.

I want to thank The Healing Hustlas, Sky and Sunny.
Watch our episodes with them here:

And lastly I want to thank my Mom, Bella, for the foundation she laid in my soul to enable me to achieve my goals. I hope you can open up and accept this post for what it means to me and the world. I adore you ❤️

Godspeed team, we got this 🚀

Artwork: Spiral Speak by Sam Brown

“Diversity in Oneness is the mathematics of the infinite.”
— Sri Aurobindo & ‘The Mother’ Mirra Alfassa

